Bishop Hendricken Drama Program
I was a big theatre kid in high school, which honestly says a lot about me. Over the course of 4 years, I did 14 shows at Bishop Hendricken High School, an all-boys Catholic school in Warwick, Rhode Island.
I was also involved in Hendricken's show choir, a group named Paramount. I was a performer for 2 years and then joined the tech crew for 1 year. From placing second as a soloist to building sets from the ground up, I loved every minute of it.
These shows and experiences have made me into the person I am today. I learned how to collaborate with others, to step up and lead when no one else would, and to effectively tell compelling, emotional stories. Plus, I met so many wonderful people who have become my friends for life.
McBoble Brothers Movies
In high school, a group of my closest friends got together and formed the McBoble Brothers, a portmanteau of each of their last names (Jacob Boblitt, Aidan McSoley, and Sean Moore)
They would, graciously, go on to cast me as the female lead in three of their movies: Suzie in A Test of Determination (38 min), Samantha in War of the Bears (11 min), and Samantha (again) in Sunset on a Lonely Saturn (43 min). And, yes, I wore the same costume in pretty much every film.
Making movies is harder work than I would have ever expected. There were always long days with hundreds of takes and lots of behind-the-scenes antics, but I sincerely appreciate the opportunities I was given to breathe life into brand new characters and build the world of some incredible stories.